
Timeline of events

09/2008 - Went off birth control
10/2008 - Found out I was pregnant
11/2008 - First doctor appt. HB is 188
1/2009 - Baby looks good, HB 163
2/2009 - It's a BOY! Carter Thomas
3/2009 - HB in the 140-150 range
4/2009 - Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes
5/2009 - Went on the Ellen Show's Mother's Day Special
6/2009 - Carter Thomas W. was born
6/2010 - Carter's first birthday
2/2011 - He's getting so big, someone stop him from growing so fast!
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Friday, April 17, 2009

My nutrition plan

Okay, here's the meal plan that my dietitian and I came up with for me to eat everyday;

7 am breakfast; 1 piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a light yogurt.

9 am snack; 4 crackers and a string cheese

10:30 snack; 1 small fruit

12:00 lunch; Spinach salad with some protein in it (egg, cheese or meat) with light dressing and 4-8 crackers.

2 pm snack; 1 small fruit

4:00 pm snack; 4 crackers and a string cheese

6:30-7:00 pm dinner; 3oz of protein (we usually eat chicken), veggies and some starch (bread, rice, noodles)

8:30-9:00 bedtime snack; 4 crackers, a string cheese and a light yogurt

Ya, it's a lot of eating I know. But it's smaller portions throughout the day. It's not too bad except for the weekends. I TOTALLY cheat on the weekends. Shhhh, don't tell!

So I started taking the meds last Friday and I was feeling really faint and dizzy so I checked my blood (not at a regularly scheduled time) and it was 57. That's low. So I ate lunch, since it was about that time anyway, and an hour later checked my blood again. 49! Ya, that's way too low. So I called the doctor and she told me to start doing just half the pill in the morning and the other half at night. That's what I've been doing and I still think it's too much. I go to the doctor on Wednesday and I'll talk to him about it then but I think I need to just take half a pill at night and none in the morning. The only reason why I even need the medication is to help my fasting number (the first blood draw of the day) because without it it's a little high. That's basically it for now, I'll know more when I go in on Wednesday.


1 comment:

Kaci said...

Holy canolies well at least you get to eat a lot but the low blood sugar is super scary.