
Timeline of events

09/2008 - Went off birth control
10/2008 - Found out I was pregnant
11/2008 - First doctor appt. HB is 188
1/2009 - Baby looks good, HB 163
2/2009 - It's a BOY! Carter Thomas
3/2009 - HB in the 140-150 range
4/2009 - Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes
5/2009 - Went on the Ellen Show's Mother's Day Special
6/2009 - Carter Thomas W. was born
6/2010 - Carter's first birthday
2/2011 - He's getting so big, someone stop him from growing so fast!
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The doctor just called

and woke my ass up! Haha!

So I had my appt yesterday and the doctor had an emergency c-section to do so I didn't get to talk to him. I had the midwife check me and I'm a fingertip dilated (so not even 1 cm) and 30% effaced. She said she'll have the doctor call me back in the morning.

So he just called and said that they would like me to come in bright and early Monday morning to start the induction. They'll insert a pill vaginally, monitor my contractions for awhile then most likely they'll send me home. That should get contractions going for awhile and hopefully I'll start to dilate. They warned me that I might be uncomfortable for awhile though. Then they'll probably have me go back in in a couple of days after that to start the pitocin (the IV drug that will start the hard core contractions). They don't want to start the pitocin until my cervix is somewhat ready, which is why I have to go in on Monday for the pill.

But until then I'll be trying to get this baby out on it's own which means lots of walking and sex. Grant will also be using pressure points and I've been sitting on my birthing ball a lot to get him to drop. I'd love to labor naturally as apposed to being induced.

Wish me luck!



Kaci said...

Wow I've heard of that pill thing being inserted and baby that night...WOW!@! CAN'T WAIT!

Korndog said...

Yep, they told me that's possible but not likely just because I'm hardly dilated. We'll see I guess. Maybe all this walking will get me nice and dilated so they'll skip the pill all together and go straight to pitocin. Or better yet maybe it will put me into labor on my own. I can't only dream.

Kaci said...

Ewww you said the s-e-x word. :)

Cindy Lou Who said...

The sex works!!!!

And with Austin - I got a pedicure and went into labor 2 hours later! Found out woman who are in the 8th month preggo is not suppose to have pedis, because the massage they give you on your feet ar ethe pressure points and it started my labor! So try those! Plus you need pretty feet for the delivery - everyone will be looking at them! LOL