When did you find out you were pregnant? October 26th, 2008
Was it planned? Kind of. I mean we knew it could happen, we just didn't think it would happen so soon. Especially without putting much effort into it. But we had discussed the possibility and I had been take pre-natals for a few months.
What was your first reaction? I was in shock. I honestly didn't think I was pregnant and I thought my mind was playing ticks on me and there wasn't really that second line there. I had to call Grant over to verify that there was in fact two lines.
Who was with you when you found out? Just Grant
Who was the first person you told? Kaci
How did your parents react? All of our parents were VERY excited to say the least.
What was your first symptom? Exhaustion, and a lot of it.
How much weight have you gained? As of last week, 4 pounds.
Do you have stretch marks? Yep, about 5 or so on each side of my belly button.
Natural or medicated birth? I'd love to go natural so that's what I'll try to do. But if I don't feel up to it when the time comes then I'll get an epi.
Who will be in the delivery room with you? I haven't decided for sure, for now I'm thinking just Grant. I may change my mind.
Will you breastfeed? That's the plan and I really hope we're able to do so for at least 6-8 months
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time? I would be surprised if I didn't cry. I'll put money down that Grant does too.
What's the first thing you might say to him/her? "Hi Carter! I love you so much!"
Would you let someone videotape the birth? I'm thinking about it.
Are you excited about the birth, or scared? A little scared, anxious and nervous.
How much does your baby weigh right now? He should weigh about 3½ pounds.
What do you think she will look like? He'll be beautiful, there's no doubt about that. I think he'll look more like his daddy than me though. And I'm okay with that! :)
What do you want to do that you couldn’t do throughout pregnancy? Run. Haha, sounds weird but when I'm walking on the treadmill I have such an urge to run and I can't.
What will you miss about pregnancy? Feeling him kick and roll.
What will you not miss about pregnancy? The diet I have to be on for the GD, being the DD all the time (sometimes I want to drink too).
What is different about this pregnancy than your last? This is my first.
What is the same as your last pregnancy? N/A
Any cravings? Just fruit, frozen yogurt and spicy burritos.
Who do you think is next to get pregnant out of the people you know? Tiffany or Alexis
How many kids do you want? Either 2 or 3, I don't know yet.
What are you most excited about? Holding him for the first time and seeing who he looks like.
What do you think your baby will weigh and measure at birth? I'm totally guessing at this but I'll say 8 lbs 6 oz and be 20" long.