
Timeline of events

09/2008 - Went off birth control
10/2008 - Found out I was pregnant
11/2008 - First doctor appt. HB is 188
1/2009 - Baby looks good, HB 163
2/2009 - It's a BOY! Carter Thomas
3/2009 - HB in the 140-150 range
4/2009 - Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes
5/2009 - Went on the Ellen Show's Mother's Day Special
6/2009 - Carter Thomas W. was born
6/2010 - Carter's first birthday
2/2011 - He's getting so big, someone stop him from growing so fast!
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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Still not feeling it

Pregnant that is. I just really don't have any symptoms. I never thought I'd actually want to feel sick. I have some heartburn but that's just about it. I want some nausea or heightened smell or something. I'm sure now that I asked for it I'm going to get it BAD!

My first appoint is in 2 weeks. I think I mentioned before that I'll be 6w4d at that appointment but that was based on me having a 29 day cycle and I've heard that doctors just go by your LMP (last menstrual period)which will actually but me at 6w5d. I'm okay with that because I REALLY want to see the heartbeat that day.

I just noticed I haven't talked about G much. Well he's going to be a great dad. He already rubs my belly and talks to Poppy (when we found out I was pregnant the baby was the size of a poppy seed so it's just stuck). Last night he called the baby Peanut though. I thought that was funny. He ALWAYS asked if me and the baby are okay, it's so cute. Like I said, he is going to be a GREAT dad! So revised due date is July 4th 2009. My birthday is in July also so we'd both be rubies.

So I told my boss (mom) that I had a doctors appointment on the 13th so she knows I need to leave early. I told her I have to get my thyroid checked, which is great because that could explain a repeat appointment too if need be.

So, that's what's going on now. I can't wait until I can feel the baby kick as a reminder that Poppy is still in there. :o)

1 comment:

Kaci said...

AWWWWWWWWWHHHH!! Congrats Kory and G and baby Poppy! :) I love you both and you'll make such great parents!